Call for Submissions - Issue 5.1 - Ethnicity and Identity
Ethnicity and Identity Special Issue 5.1 CFP
Avar is continually building its pool of peer referees. We seek peer reviewers with demonstrated capacities for reviewing submissions in English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish.
Our expectations for reviewers & reviews:
All papers will pass through a double-blind review process.
If you are asked to review a paper, you will have six weeks to do so.
Duties include evaluating essays for clarity and cogency of argument/evidence, original contribution to the field, organization, and grammatical/syntactical correctness.
Reviewers will submit a 1-page report to the journal’s editors with a recommendation to accept, to accept with minor revisions, to accept with major revisions, or to reject.
Reviewers are not paid for their services, but are encouraged to list their position as a peer reviewer for Avar on their CVs.
Interested candidates should submit a brief note of interest and their CV to the journal’s editors at Please also complete this survey regarding your areas of interest/specialization.
Ethnicity and Identity Special Issue 5.1 CFP
Nomadic Interactions Special Issue 6.1 CFP
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